Franklin McKinley Parents Organization
Parent Testimonials
* A parent in one our FMSD school signed to have her child be exempt from the 5th grade sexual education class using the school provided form. However, the teacher took the letter and asked the student if SHE wanted to be part of the class. When the child agreed to be part of the class, the teacher allowed her to stay in the class over respecting the parents signed school form. Sign our OPT-OUT forms they are legally binding!
*Parent wrote an email to her son's school principal asking about what the school was going to do in terms of celebrating pride month. The principal said that they would do so many activities that she couldn’t be sure when because it was being done by various groups. Instead of being given an alternative for her children, the principal offered independent studies and dis-enrollment.
*Student, in first grade, was given a survey that included gender identity question, which was not allowed at that age. At that time, children that young were protected from these questions and ideas.
*Parents at FMSD school showed us a letter from the principal that their child had been exposed to pornographic images (man masturbating) during an online zoom event in the Spanish dual language program.
*Several parents in FMSD schools signed the parental OPT-OUT forms provided by IP-SV which excludes their children from being included in gender identity studies, etc. The superintendent and principals sent letters and met with parents to tell them that their signing the letter disqualify their child from special education services. This is NOT true, yet they got a few parents to resign their opt-out letters and to cancel it out. Parents felt intimidated to sign and they were told not to get involved with IP-SV, now Informed Parents California.
* The FMSD superintendent send a district wide LGBTQIA+ dress up day where he encouraged children to dress as their inner “shadow” based on a book about a boy that cross-dresses to fit his gender ideology.
*The libraries at FMSD schools have shelves of books that inappropriate for elementary school children during LGBTQIA+ month. One book “PET” in question was dealing with topics such as abuse and was not meant for the ages of the elementary school children.
*Parent shared recommendations not told to parents
These are a few things to know as a parent:
The school creates a government email account for our children which are not easily available or accessible to parents.
When our kids receive public library cards through the school their check-out history is set to “disabled” as a default setting. Parents should enable these options for themselves to have access and see what kind of books their children are borrowing or if they’re even age appropriate.
*Parents are starting to send in homework assignments that include LGBTQIA+ parents even in math problems.
*Parents reported that the school was having activities during lunch times at their school during LGBQIA+ pride month. They made LGBTQIA+ flags and were told by teachers it is okay if your parents don’t like this. We saw a teacher admitting to these accounts at a board meeting
*Parents that have signs that support Harrington and Gonzalez campaign have been getting approached by supporters of Balinton and Sanchez and asked to change their sign. They are being told that they are teacher haters and being harassed if they refuse to change the sign. One Parent shared that they felt intimidated by the teachers who approached them because their child attended the school in front of their home.
We at FMPO will continue to share your stories. As a community: trust, communication, respect for our differences, and civility must be an integral part of our involvement in our children’s education system. Academic excellence should be our goal as a community and respect for the family should be our right.
We at FMPO respect all family lifestyles and we believe that the values of our families are not the job of our education system to teach, no matter what they may be.
“Lead By Example and our future will Follow”